Nevada is a bright spot in the world of solar panels. In 2019, it ranked 6th in the nation for installed solar capacity. With 250 days of sunshine each year and a steadily increasing population, Nevada has the potential to be the top solar power producer in the United States. While many Nevada residents, small businesses, public agencies, and schools are already producing solar energy, the state stands at the forefront of contentious solar energy policy debate.
Nevada’s Solar
Panel Report Card

To determine a grade for each state, our researchers and solar experts analyzed data on crucial solar-advancement criteria from the following sources:
- Rebates, Tax Credits, and Tax Exemptions from Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency;
- Electricity Rates from the U.S. Energy Information Administration;
- Renewable Energy Policy from NC Clean Energy Technology Center;
- Interconnection Ease from Freeing The Grid;
- Photovoltaic Potential from the Energy Department
We determined a rank from one to 10 for each state in each category. We then combined the scores with the following weights and assigned an overall grade for each state. Our goal is to encourage those considering solar for their homes to get a basic understanding of solar potential in their areas and discover the best opportunities for clean energy available.
Incentives & Rebates, 40%
Electricity Rate, 15%
Renewable Energy Policy, 30%
Interconnection Ease, 5%
Photovoltaic Potential, 10%
Electricity Costs, Nevada and You
With the cost of electricity averaging about $0.12 per kWh, electricity is considered fairly cheap in Nevada, which can be a problem in a state that is also encouraging solar. With solar power competing against fossil fuel-based electricity, low electric prices can hinder payback for solar owners. Nevada’s electricity rates are slightly below the national average, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Most of Nevada’s electricity comes from natural gas.
Residential Electricity Costs
Data from U.S. Energy Information Administration
*as of Q3 2015
Nevada Library
of Solar Resources
Nevada Solar Policies & Incentives
Nevada has ranked near the top of the list of solar-friendly states for many years, but the state remains somewhat of a mixed bag for homeowners looking to go solar. The state claims the most solar installed per capita in the United States, however, most of the installations are large-scale utility projects in Southern Nevada (the state ranks fourth in utility-scale generation from solar). Because of the aggressive nature of Nevada’s Renewable Energy Portfolio, the state has focused on larger commercial projects instead of residential ones.
In addition, certain policies and tax issues that affect other states have no bearing in Nevada. For instance, Nevada has no state income tax, so there are no tax credits for solar.
None in residential/commercial specifically.
None in residential specifically.
For systems generating at least 10 MW, the purchaser is only required to pay Nevada state sales and use taxes at the rate of 2.25 percent. Certain job creation and quality requirements must be met.
Revolving Loan ProgramIn 2009, the Nevada Assembly established a fund for the construction or expansion of renewable energy systems or energy conservation projects. The maximum loan amount is $1 million.
Property Tax Abatement for Green BuildingsNew and existing non-residential and multifamily residential buildings that are renovated to meet certain green building standards qualify for a property tax abatement up to 35 percent for five to 10 years. Technologies include solar water heat and photovoltaics.
Large-scale Renewable Energy Property Tax AbatementNew or expanded businesses with facilities generating at least 10 MW may be eligible for a property tax abatement of up to 55 percent for up to 20 years. Job creation and quality requirements must be met.
Nevada’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS), established in 1997 and amended frequently, requires eligible renewable energy resources to supply at least 25 percent of the total electricity by 2025, including six percent solar.
Solar Contractor LicensingTo protect consumers, Nevada law requires solar energy system installers be licensed by the Nevada State Contractors Board, with a specific license for contractors who install and maintain photovoltaic (PV) systems.
Solar and Wind Easements & Rights LawsNevada law protects owners of solar energy systems from restrictions that would unreasonably restrict or prevent them from installing the systems on their property.
NV Energy homeowners with grid-connected solar panels are allowed to receive credit on their utility bills for any energy they produce above what they use. Nevada’s net-metering law lets participants carry credits forward indefinitely. Rates vary between Southern and Northern Nevada.
Valley Electric Association Net MeteringVEA make net metering available to eligible owners of systems up to 30 kW up to 0.5 percent of the VEA’s most recently measured annual peak load. VEA serves parts of Esmeralda, Nye, Mineral and Clark counties.
Facilities larger than 150 kW may be eligible to earn Portfolio Energy Credits (PECs), which can be sold to utilities to meet Nevada’s Energy Portfolio Standard.
Local Options-Special Improvement DistrictsNevada has authorized local governments to create Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing programs for commercial and multi-family residential projects. Borrowed amount typically repaid through a special assessment on the project.
No state income tax
No state income tax
No state income tax
None specifically to both residential and commercial
None for residential specifically
Nevada commercial property owners are eligible for a property tax exemption of 100 percent of the value of their renewable energy systems. The program has no maximum and applies to commercial and industrial buildings for all years after installation. Eligible systems include passive solar heat, solar hot water, and space heat as well as photovoltaics.
All Nevada: Solar Panel Companies, Contractors & Installers
Nevada is one of the fastest-growing states in the nation, with many new residents coming from California. A growing population means more people who can benefit from the state’s solar energy resources. Nearly 200 solar companies are at work across the state, employing more than 6,600 people, so homeowners looking for a company or contractor to install photovoltaic panels have a variety of options. Here is a list of contractors and installers to get you started:
Solar panel installation.
Where it operatesGenoa
Year of opening2006
Solar design and installation both residential and commercial
Where it operatesLas Vegas
Year of opening2008
Manufactures and installs solar panels in commercial and residential, has installed more than 7 million panels.
Where it operatesBased in Utah; serves Nevada statewide
Year of opening1984
Specializes in solar pool heating systems and solar domestic hot water systems for homes. Where it operates: Originally in San Diego in 1979, expanded to Las Vegas in 2002.
Where it operatesLas Vegas
Year of opening2002
Solar design and installation with focus on blending solar and smart home technology. Las Vegas franchise of Livermore-based Solar Universe.
Where it operatesClark County
Year of opening2001
Solar energy design and installation of photovoltaic arrays.
Where it operatesLas Vegas
Year of opening1991
System design, integration, installation and maintenance
Where it operatesReno
Year of opening2005
Design and install residential, commercial, agriculture and public systems Based in Roseville, Calif.
Where it operatesWashoe County and Carson City
Year of openingMid-1980s
A commercial and residential solar panel installation contractor. They cover the process from paperwork to installation.
Where it operatesLas Vegas
Year of opening2009
Design and installation of residential solar projects.
Where it operatesBased in Houston, Texas; serves Nevada statewide and the Southwest United States
Year of opening2012
Solar contracting for electricity, water heater, pools and agriculture.
Where it operatesBased in Irvine, Calif.; operates in Clark County
Year of opening1991
Nevada Solar Resources
Here is a list of resources to get you started finding out about solar opportunities within the state of Nevada:
The Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency has gathered a list of policies and incentives state by state. Search a public clearinghouse for specific solar energy incentives in Nevada and the U.S.
The state energy office is charged with ensuring the development of Nevada’s energy resources. Find a variety of information on state government energy programs, policy, projects, energy-saving strategies and energy-related statistics.
The state panel regulates public utilities that provide a monopoly utility service. Learn about the governing body that regulates the electricity rates and services of Nevada public utilities.
The state’s citizen legislature meets on a biennial basis. Track pending legislation affecting solar energy, locate and contact individual legislators, and stay up to date on current legislative issues in Nevada.
The utility serves Nevadans in both southern and northern Nevada. Find out about solar projects across the state, renewable incentives and how to get started with solar.
The Southern Nevada chapter of the American Solar Energy Society is a nonprofit seeking to educate Nevadans about and promote the use of renewable energy. Find information about climate change, energy use emissions calculators, events and resources to learn about solar.
The statistical and analytical arm of the U.S. Department of Energy collects and disseminates impartial energy information. Explore official energy statistics, including data on electricity supply and demand.